When to see an Infertility Specialist?

Becoming pregnant is supposed to be a joyful experience that just happens. It’s supposed to be natural and effortless. All too often, it can take couples by surprise. For those who are actively trying, it isn’t always so easy. In some cases, pregnancy may not happen in spite of the efforts of both partners. This can add stress to the situation, making it more difficult to conceive. When becoming pregnant doesn’t happen, it can put both partners on edge. If you are experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, you may need to see our infertility specialist to get some extra help.

When is the Recommended Time to See an Infertility Specialist?

As a rule of thumb, medical professionals recommend that couples under the milestone age of 35 should actively try to get pregnant for a year before seeking an evaluation from an infertility specialist. If you are over 35, that window of time shortens to six months. During the months that you are trying to conceive, you have to try and relax. Be spontaneous. Try new things. Avoid stressing and worrying as much as possible. You can also get an ovulation kit to find out when you are ovulating, which can help you to narrow down the times when you have the best chance for conception. Waiting it out will be one of the hardest things you have ever done. If you still haven’t had any luck, you can schedule an evaluation with our infertility specialist to find out if something is holding your back from getting pregnant.

When to See Our Infertility Specialist Immediately

If you have reached the age of 40, you need to see our infertility specialist. At this age, you will not be producing as many eggs as you did in your younger years. Your eggs may not be as healthy at this point either. You will likely be a candidate for fertility treatments. You should see our infertility specialist if you have a thyroid condition or an underlying condition affecting your reproductive system. If you are going into early menopause in your 30s, you should have an evaluation from our expert in fertility issues. If you have gone through more than one miscarriage, come see our specialist as soon as possible. We went to help you to understand why you are having problems carrying a baby to term. Make an appointment if medical conditions are affecting your health to get our expert’s advice.

Don’t Give Up On Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy may not come easily for you, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Speak with the professionals at Centro Médico Latino in Charlotte and Monroe, NC to learn more. Our infertility specialist will work closely with you and your partner to clear the way for conception. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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