When Is the Right Time for Cyst Removal Surgery?

cyst removal

A cyst is a non-cancerous lump that forms under the skin. This lump can occur nearly anywhere on the body, and it is primarily filled with fluid, air, and dead skin cells. They start off relatively small in size, but they may gradually get bigger over time. The cyst may eventually start to disrupt your life and cause pain if it is left untreated for long enough. Luckily, you can visit our treatment facility and opt for cyst removal via minor surgeries.

What Causes Cysts?

Cysts primarily occur after a pimple or ingrown hair prevents your skin pores from performing properly. Once this happens, dead skin cells and oil will get trapped inside the pores. The dead skin cells and oil never stop trying to escape the body through these clogged pores. This is why cysts continue to increase in size over time. It is also why they will never go away on their own.

Why Get Them Removed?

Since a cyst will never go away, it is very important to get it removed with a minor surgery. If the cyst is left untreated, it will continue to grow until it ruptures. A ruptured cyst can cause severe pain and inflammation. Once the cyst ruptures, it will immediately start to fill with more fluid and dead skin cells. All of this can easily be prevented by undergoing a simple cyst removal surgery. It is very important to get the surgery as early as possible because ruptured cysts are a lot harder to successfully remove.

The Removal Process

During this process, the doctor will make an opening in your skin. The pocket of cells creating your cyst is then surgically removed from the body. The opening is then sealed to complete the procedure. Each of these minor surgeries should only take under an hour to complete.

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

A cyst may not seem like an important medical issue, but it is only a matter of time before it starts causing you issues. To learn more about the benefits of cyst removal via minor surgeries, we warmly invite you to make an appointment with Centro Medico Latino. At our convenient location in San Juan, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

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