How Often Should Your Child See a Pediatrician?

Pediatric Clinic

Your child is your top priority and greatest gift. You want to put your son or daughter’s well-being first. In addition to making healthy lifestyle choices, such as following a balanced diet, being active, and getting quality sleep, you need to make sure your child sees a pediatrician as recommended. Remember that visits to the pediatric clinic should primarily be preventative in nature. With regular appointments, you will be able to ensure your child’s health is on track. If there is a problem, you can address it promptly. Consider the following guidelines when it comes to visiting the pediatric clinic.

Babies Will See the Pediatrician More Often

As a rule of thumb, your baby will see the pediatrician soon after birth. Follow-up appointments should be scheduled every two months up to the 6-month mark. You can expect to bring your little one at 9 months. Soon it will be time for the year checkup. An exam should follow at 18 months. Once your child reaches the age of 2, plan on annual visits. After your child hits the milestone of 5, you can continue with annual visits or our pediatrician may suggest every two years. In the end, you should choose the option that gives you peace of mind. If you would prefer an annual wellness exam for your child, that is your choice.

Why Visit the Pediatrician for Annual Visits?

When you take your child to the pediatric clinic for routine exams, the pediatrician will assess your child’s health. This is also an opportunity to make sure your child’s development is on track. If you have any concerns, this is the time to express them. Should there be any type of problem, our pediatrician may recommend additional testing or a visit to a specialist. YYou can expect your appointments to be brief unless there are any health issues that require special attention.

When in Doubt, Make an Appointment

While your child may come in for annual visits to the pediatric clinic, you should feel free to make an appointment any time you are concerned about an illness or injury. You don’t want to take any chances with your child’s health.

Make an Appointment at Your Child’s Pediatric Clinic

Whether you are looking for your first pediatrician or it’s time for a switch, the professional staff at Centro Médico Latino are here for you. Our pediatrician will be your partner in putting your child’s well-being first on the list. We are conveniently located in Charlotte and Monroe, NC. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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