Finding a Good Pediatrician in Charlotte, NC

A pediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in treating children. Pediatricians are individuals who went to medical school and then served a residency that focused on pediatric medicine. They work with children who can range in age from newborn to late adolescence. Here at Centro Medico Latino in Charlotte, we know the importance of finding a reputable pediatrician for your child.

How Often Should a Child See a Pediatrician?

The answer to this depends on a child’s age and overall health. A baby will see a pediatrician quite frequently during their first year, for the doctor will need to monitor them for signs of congenital defects and other problems. Similarly, they will want to keep track of a child’s developmental milestones. If a child starts falling behind, the doctor needs to determine the cause. We typically recommend the following schedule for well-child care:

• Two weeks
• Two months
• Four months
• Six months
• Twelve months
• Between 15 and 18 months
• Two years

After a child is two years old, parents should bring them in for a check-up once a year.

What are developmental milestones?

Developmental milestones are physical skills or behaviors seen in children as they grow. Examples of developmental milestones include talking, walking, crawling, and rolling over. Children typically reach a milestone within a given age range. For example, many people say a child starts walking by the first birthday. Actually, a child may start walking as early as eight months or as late as eighteen months. So long as the child starts walking between the ages of eight and eighteen months, the pediatrician will have no cause for concern, as the child will have reached that particular milestone in the normal interim.

Doctors have learned over the generations that the various therapies used to help children with delayed development are most effective when started early. That’s one reason why children have so many appointments with their pediatrician during their first two years: it provides many opportunities to check for possible problems. If they find something, they can immediately help the parents arrange the appropriate therapies or treatments.

What is VFC?

VFC stands for Vaccinations for Children, and it is a federal program operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). VFC provides free vaccines for children whose families don’t have insurance that covers vaccinations. Our facility in Charlotte provides vaccines for over a dozen diseases that include polio, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, meningococcal meningitis, chicken pox, hemophilus influenza, and more.

Other Services

Pediatricians at our office in Charlotte will also perform physicals for camp, school, or sports. If the child has a physical condition or problem, he or she will be advised of any necessary restrictions for camping or playing a sport.

Contact Us Today

For further information about finding a good pediatrician, we welcome you to reach out and book an appointment with Centro Medico Latino! At our offices in Charlotte and Monroe, NC, our knowledgeable and caring staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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