What are Cysts and When do they need to be treated?

cyst removal

A cyst is a small lump or bump that forms just under the skin’s surface. The most common type of cyst is called a sebaceous cyst. The sebaceous gland produces an oil that coats the hair and skin. If this glands becomes blocked or damaged, the skin cells under the surface get trapped and turn in on themselves, and a cyst starts to form. They are usually very slow growing. These bumps are harmless but sometimes can cause pain and discomfort. Some people may prefer to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. Others would prefer to have it removed rather than taking the chance that it could burst. If it does rupture, you will need to see a healthcare provider immediately for cyst removal.

Why You Should Seek Professional Cyst Removal

Whatever your reason for seeking cyst removal, it’s important to seek the help of a qualified healthcare provider. There are too many risks in trying to remove or drain it in your own. If you try to drain it, you have a much greater risk of infection if you do it at home. It is also possible the the skin cells will continue to regrow and a new cyst will form. Having a healthcare professional remove the cyst is a simple outpatient procedure. With some smaller, less bothersome cysts, a dermatologist may chose to drain the cyst rather than remove it. But in most cases, removal is the best option so that the cyst does not return.

Get in Touch with Us for More Information

If a cyst is bothering you, removing it may be easier than you think. For more information regarding your treatment options, please feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Centro Medico Latino. At our convenient locations in Charlotte and Monroe, our team of professionals will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about cyst removal. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

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