Having a baby has been your dream for a long time. You and your partner have decided you’re ready to take the plunge. You’ve been actively trying to become pregnant. It hasn’t happened. The longer you wait, the more anxious you become. Every time your monthly cycle arrives, you are plunged into depression. You’re wondering if there is a problem. You may need to visit our fertility clinic in Charlotte. Consider the following signs that should point you in our direction.
You’ve Tried on Your Own Long Enough
There is a window of time when you should let nature take its course when it comes to conception. If you keep trying after that length of time without success, you may need some help to make your dreams of motherhood come true. If you are under 35, give yourself a year. If you haven’t been trying for that long, take a deep breath. Relax. Have fun. Help yourself with an ovulation calendar and ovulation tests to find your most fertile times of the month. You may want to enlist our assistance at our fertility clinic when your year is up. The same holds true if you are over 35 and you have tried for six months. The older you get, the closer you approach menopause. This is the point when your reproductive system is going to shut down. Your eggs are not as healthy as they were when you were younger. You want to get a move on in your journey to pregnancy if it isn’t happening on its own.
You Have a History of Miscarriages
If you have had several miscarriages in the past, you need to come see a specialist. Our fertility clinic will assess you to determine why you are having problems carrying a baby to term. We’ll work with you to find solutions. Hopefully, we’ll find an answer that will help you find your way to pregnancy.
You Have a History of Problems with Your Reproductive System
If you have endometriosis or you have been plagued by ovarian cysts, these issues can make it difficult to conceive. Our fertility specialists can work with you to treat underlying conditions to ease your ability to become pregnant.
Make an Appointment to Get Help with Fertility Clinic
If becoming pregnant hasn’t been easy for you. our fertility clinic is here to help. Feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Centre Médical Latino. At our convenient locations in Charlotte and Monroe, we’ll talk to you about your attempts to become pregnant, your lifestyle, and your current health. We’ll evaluate you and your partner. We’ll get to the root cause of your problem. In some cases, it may simply be a matter of timing. We can help you to figure out when you are going to improve your chances of becoming pregnant. We’ll also guide you toward options to assist you when you need extra help to have a baby. Contact us today to set up your consultation!