Why Is an Immigration Medical Exam So Important?

Men, women and children who want to immigrate to the United States legally must follow a strict set of rules and guidelines. This is especially true today, as immigration policy is under constant scrutiny. There are several reasons why the United States government might refuse an application for immigration. An immigration medical exam is part of the process to legally immigrate to the United States.

People with criminal histories or terrorist associations are considered inadmissible to the United States. Communicable diseases like tuberculosis, serious medical problems, drug addiction and mental illnesses are all grounds of inadmissibility.

Goals of an Immigration Medical Exam

When our designated civil surgeon conducts a medical exam for immigration purposes, they are operating as part of the government’s long-established practice of protecting current U.S. citizens from needlessly being exposed to health-related dangers. It’s also a way of documenting immunization history so the appropriate vaccinations can be given if they haven’t been given already.

Problematic Medical Conditions

In order to regulate rising costs of healthcare, the government has to avoid letting in immigrants with incurable diseases and untreatable injuries that necessitate their continuous dependence on the costly medical procedures, surgeries, and treatments that raise costs of health insurance.

Diseases that might require you to have to be quarantined are reasons for inadmissibility. These conditions include cholera, smallpox, yellow fever, and pandemic flu, but there are various others. Also, certain diseases or outbreaks that have occurred in your own country that you might bring to the U.S. are other reasons. If you remember the Ebola outbreak, you have a perfect example of one of these types of outbreaks.

Serious Mental Health Disorders

People with mental problems seeking to come into the United States must provide paperwork from their former physicians detailing the type, severity, needed treatments and necessities of their condition.

The mental problems associated with drug and alcohol dependency are considered as well. Our physicians want to know how severe the dependency is, if it has lead to violent or destructive behavior and how long it has been going on. If there is any proof of hospitalization or psychiatric care for these conditions, these will be considered as well.

If you are in need of an immigration medical exam, remember that our designated civil surgeon at Centro Médico Latino, PC is not here to give you a hard time or keep you from entering the United States. Let us expedite your medical examination in a quick and courteous manner. We have offices conveniently located in Charlotte and Monroe, NC. Contact us today to schedule your immigration medical exam!

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