Choosing a Fertility Specialist in Charlotte, NC

There is one thing you want more than anything in your life right now: a baby. You and your partner have decided the time is right. You’ve been actively trying to conceive. It should be easy. It’s a natural process that happens all the time. You never thought you would run into trouble. However, the months have been building up without success. You feel like time is ticking away. You worry that this incredible experience may never happen for you. You’re thinking about choosing a fertility specialist in Charlotte, NC to help you on this journey. Getting an expert opinion can give you peace of mind.

Find Out if There is a Problem

Choosing a fertility specialist is the best way to rule out any potential problems and move forward. You may not have any issues. It could simply be a matter of timing. You may not be intimate at the right time of the month. Tracking your ovulation on an ovulation calendar and using ovulation tests can help you to figure out when you have the greatest window of opportunity. Your fertility specialist can help you to pinpoint the best times of the month to try and become pregnant. Stress is another factor. If you are putting too much pressure on yourself and worrying, it could be getting in the way of conception. Your fertility specialist may recommend you try yoga, medication, and massage therapy. A romantic getaway could be just what you need to relax and let nature take its course.

A Fertility Specialist Will Look at How Long You’ve Been Trying to Conceive

Conception doesn’t always happen quickly for couples. If you are in good health, have no fertility issues that you know of, and you are under the age of 35, you can plan on trying for a year before you need to see a fertility specialist. If you are over 35, cut that time in half. If you know you have issues that have affected your reproductive system or your partner’s, you should come in right away to get started on finding solutions. If you have had more than one miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies, you should choose a fertility specialist to find out why you are having difficulty maintaining a pregnancy.

What Problems Could Be Affecting Your Ability to Conceive?

There are a variety of reasons you may have trouble with conception. You could have endometriosis, in which tissue normally found in the uterus grows around your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and builds up in your pelvis. Your fallopian tubes may be blocked. You could have cysts in your uterus. An abnormally shaped uterus could be an issue. Cysts in your ovaries could lead to problems. You may also have a hormonal imbalance that has had an impact on your ability to become pregnant. If you are extremely overweight, this could be an issue. Underlying medical problems and medications can also affect the ability to conceive. Your age can also have an impact on the number and quality of eggs you produce.

What Could Cause a Man to Have Difficulty with His Role in Conception?

The biggest problem for men and conception revolves around sperm production. If they are not producing enough sperm or their sperm cannot move freely due to blockages, an egg can’t be fertilized. Hormonal issues, circulatory problems, weight, and age can cause problems for men and fertility as well.

How Can Your Fertility Specialist Help?

Once you know if there is a problem, your fertility specialist can discuss your options. They may focus on you and your ability to become pregnant, your partner, or both of you. There are many solutions that may work for you. Your treatment will be tailored to meet your needs.

Any Underlying Issues Will Be Addressed

If you or your partner have a medical issue that is getting in the way of becoming pregnant, it will be addressed first. You may need surgery to correct physical obstacles that are holding you back from pregnancy. A change in an existing medication may be needed. Weight loss could be key in improving your success rate.

Fertility Medications May Be Recommended

Fertility medications may be the first step in your journey to conceive. There are many types of medicine that are intended to improve your ability to ovulate. There are also medications that can improve a man’s sperm count. Your partner may need medication for erectile dysfunction. You’ll need to be patient and consistent while you are attempting to improve your fertility. You’ll be given a six-month window of time to try the route of medication. If it doesn’t work, you have other alternatives.

Intrauterine Insemination May Be Best for You

Intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination may work for you. Your partner’s sperm will be injected into your uterus. You’ll be prepared for the procedure with drugs that will stimulate ovulation, creating an increased chance of fertilization.

In Vitro Fertilization May Work

If you don’t have success with artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization is another option. Your eggs will be harvested along with your partner’s sperm. Once eggs have been fertilized to create an embryo, it will be implanted in your uterus. If you choose this option, you may have an increased chance of having twins or more than two children.

Surrogacy May Be Your Only Option

If all else fails, surrogacy may be your advised option from your fertility specialist. In this case, in vitro fertilization will be used to collect your eggs and your partner’s sperm. Once an embryo has been formed, it will be implanted in the uterus of a surrogate mother. You will need to find someone who is willing to take on this life-altering role. It could be a friend, a family member, or someone who volunteers to carry your child.

Fertility is a Journey

As you consider a fertility specialist in Charlotte, NC, you need to understand that you are about to undertake a journey. You won’t have results overnight. It’s a process of elimination as you find out why you are having fertility issues and consider what steps you should take next. You’ll need to be patient as you wait for test results. You will also need to have a positive outlook. It may take several tries on a long road before you finally get positive results.

Your Fertility Specialist Will Be Your Support System

Your fertility specialist will offer you the support you need to make it through this challenging time in your life. When you try to go it alone, you are likely to get discouraged. Your fertility specialist will use knowledge and resources you don’t have to figure out solutions for you. Think of your specialist as the coach for your team, cheering you all the way to successful conception.

You Need to Have an Open Mind

When you choose a fertility specialist in Charlotte, NC to help you become pregnant, you need to be open to various alternatives. Your specialist may recommend something as simple as a change in your diet that will help you to take off some excess weight. You may be told to quit smoking. Lifestyle changes could be the answer. You may be advised to stop dwelling on becoming pregnant. Just enjoy yourself. Experiment and find the excitement in being intimate with your partner. If there are obstacles that are holding you back, your fertility specialist will be your guide.

Find a Fertility Specialist Who is the Right Fit for You

Your journey to conception may take several months and many visits to your fertility specialist. You need to choose a specialist who puts you at ease. You should feel comfortable enough to express your feelings and concerns. The entire atmosphere at your specialist’s office should be welcoming. Make sure you and your partner are happy with your choice before you begin to explore your options for fertility treatments.

Don’t Give Up Hope

It can be frustrating when pregnancy doesn’t happen easily for you. It’s especially difficult when you listen to pregnancy success stories from friends, co-workers, and family. Just because you are facing challenges, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen for you. It will be all the more worth it when you finally hold your baby.

Make Your First Appointment with a Fertility Specialist

To learn more about how a fertility specialist can help, we warmly encourage you to reach out and make an appointment with Centro Medico Latino. At our convenient locations in Monroe and Charlotte, NC, our specialists will speak with you and your partner to get a comprehensive understanding of where you are right now. You’ll discuss your age, your medical history, and what you have tried so far to conceive. If you have had difficulties in the past with miscarriages, now is the time to share your story. Once your specialist has a starting point, you’ll find out where you need to go next. You may need testing or counseling. You may be told everything is fine and to come back after a set amount of time if you still aren’t successful. If you need fertility treatments, you and your partner will have guidance every step of the way so you will be prepared for how your treatments are going to affect you. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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