Benefits of a Hormone Evaluation


Around your mid-forties, your body will start making less and less estrogen, the female sex hormone. Your monthly periods may become irregular and eventually halt. Perhaps you have reached menopause, when you have had your last period, marking the end of your reproductive life. Women experience menopause at an average age of 51, although it can come earlier or later. Some women find that this development makes them happy and they are relieved of the hassle of contraception. Others are sad that an important chapter is ending in their lives.

Menopause Symptoms

The most common symptoms of menopause, hot flashes and sweats, occur in about two-thirds of women. They can cause difficulty sleeping when they happen at night. Some women experience hot flashes that are almost unnoticeable, while others have hot flashes that have a negative impact on their daily lives. The severity, frequency, and duration of hot flashes can vary by the day. Other symptoms of menopause include difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep throughout the night, depressive moods and mood swings, and weight gain. You can see all of our women’s health services here.

What Do Hormones Have to Do with It?

You may be feeling off because the production of a certain hormone has gone down. However, you won’t know for sure until you undergo a hormone evaluation that assesses your levels. After this, the treatment that will work best for you depends upon your symptoms, overall health, personal preference, and other factors. Finding the right treatment can minimize or resolve annoying symptoms of menopause while lowering the risk of developing osteoporosis and other health issues.

Your Consultation

If you are bothered by symptoms of menopause like hot flashes or sweats, please reach out to us at Centro Medico Latino to set up your women’s health consultation. During this meeting, we can walk you through our women’s check-up guide, which includes a screening for hormone levels, particularly estrogen. From there, a customized plan can be put into place for you. We have offices located in Charlotte, Monroe, and South Boulevard Medical Clinic. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!

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